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la linea cartel

para no confundir el chupon de yecora nunca mando en agua prieta, el era lugarteniente de alfredo salazar. [62] The Jurez cartel continues to operate in the city, but it no longer holds a monopoly and appears to be unable to expand. [62] Their relationship with the Barrio Azteca gang has also been affected by the cartel's decline. LA LINEA: THE LINE - ANDY GARCIA & RAY LIOTTA - FULL HD ACTION MOVIE IN ENGLISH - EXCLUSIVE V MOVIESThe unstable new kingpin of a Tijuana drug cartel is targ. Last February, a federal judge charged Wilbert Mendoza Lopez, alias 'La Parka', for his direct participation in the massacre. [72] However, the new La Empresa cartel leader, identified as "The Gnome," was later believed to have continued the attacks against local police, which resulted in the deaths of nine attackers and two police policers by May 29, and that there continuation was actually triggered by the recent arrests of previous La Empresa leader Jose Dolores Villegas Soto, a.k.a. He also gained notoriety in 2017 for hanging signs from bridges threatening police, the press and then-new Chihuahua Gov. Juarez is a coveted drug trafficking "plaza" or drug corridor into the United States where La Lnea and the Sinaloa cartel are constantly at war. This is a carousel. Found better opportunity, just as much money and legally. None of the Carrillo members are directly linked to the Juarez Cartel since late 90's. This armed group La Lnea was founded by Juan Pablo Ledezma Rodrguez, "El JL", and financed by the one of the founders and leader of the Jurez Cartel, Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, "El Viceroy." The objective of this armed wing was to fight the Sinaloa Cartel in Ciudad Jurez, Chihuahua. Thats not a Sicario thats a biiiaaattchhhh!Caballero de Jalisco. Its possible fellas, you can fuck up and still make it big out here. La linea is just a branch of the Juarez Cartel with very specific functions, but not necessarily the cartel itself. I may be wrong but the father, V.C.Vega, was originally from Chihuahua as reported by Proceso. La Linea leaks more photos to Mexican media to get Mexico's president to stop denying their existence El Blog Del Narco reported. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. I know through word of mouth plenty shit nutthuggers of their don't onow about the crap they have done all over the city. The Carillo family is from Sinaloa, correct? [20] The mayor of Ciudad Jurez said that the massacre was a random act of violence by Mexico's drug gangs because the victims had no apparent ties with organized crime. Police said a drug cartel ambushed five vehicles near the town of Janos. That's great news one less asshole. [54] La Lnea, however, undertook an offensive against the local police in 2010, citing the same reasons that the NJC claims: it perceived that the police forces were favoring Joaqun Guzmn Loera (a.k.a. I dont get it, why are they being targeted so much?I read of their shady involvement with drug trafficking in the past, maybe theyre still actively involved? He is wanted by a federal district court in New Mexico for allegedly supervising drug exports from the state of Chihuahua to the United States. CBP arrests two previously deported sex offenders, Mexicles gang leader killed in shootout with police, 1984 massacre at border McDonalds a distant memory, More cocaine seized at South Texas ports in 2022, State Department issues travel advisory for Mexico, DHS policy protects migrants in labor investigations, Biden urged to investigate border paramilitary groups, Border Republican says White House ghosted him, Migrants trying to leave border held at checkpoints, Migrant crossings plummet as Guard expands barbwire, Migrants entering residential areas, asking for help, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. La Lnea ("The Line") is currently the leading faction of the Jurez Cartel originally designed to be one of the cartel's enforcer units set up by a number of former and active-duty policemen, heavily armed and extensively trained in urban warfare. Autoridades de Baja California lograron la detencin de Martn Ivn, alias El Guacho, identificado como presunto jefe regional de "Los Plebes", clula criminal vinculada al Crtel de . El 80, was put on an airplane under the custody of U.S. agents at the Toluca International Airport and flown to the United States late last week. Sinaloa has plenty history of them killing children. That cartel like many got away with murder. [37][38][39] Before the detonation, the cartel members had dumped an injured man dressed in police uniform on the sidewalk to lure the Mexican authorities and paramedics closer to the vehicle. EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) - The government of Mexico has extradited to the United States a former La Linea cartel leader to face long-standing drug charges. If Durazo didnt mentioned is happening is because that would relate the Lebaron familly and investigation on course could be compromised, and they also have to protect the victims names. La Linea the remnants of the old Juarez cartel have been at war with Sinaloa cartel enforcer groups since 2004, said Scott Stewart, intelligence analyst and vice president at TorchStone Global, a private security firm with offices in six major U.S. cities. Cayese alv sicario 006 tambien Los de sinaloa matan y violan mujeres, Calmado eh cuando fue nuestro modus operandi attacar innocentes nomas x que ni kn el apoyo del los lacras del g y/oJoto del tolteca la pueden entraon una vez esa noche no la vuelven lograr el charco ya tiene dueno jotitos, Animo compadres!According to what Ive heard from my contact in the Attorney Generals Office, Los Jaguares was indeed behind the LeBaron massacre. [63] NPR reports indicated that several people in Ciudad Jurez, including but not limited to local journalists and former policemen, perceived that the Mexican government allegedly favored the Sinaloa cartel in their battle against the Jurez cartel. I live across Juarez Mexico. family massacre that left 9 people dead in Sonora in November 2019. La Lnea ("The Line") is currently the leading faction of the Jurez Cartel originally designed to be one of the cartel's enforcer units set up by a number of former and active-duty policemen, heavily armed and extensively trained in urban warfare. The mission of is to provide real-time delivery of the untold local stories about people living, working and migrating along the U.S. border with Mexico. The Juarez cartel was headed by local trafficker Rafael Aguilar Guajardo until he was murdered in Cancun in 1993. "Cuando leo la palabra 'cartel', me da un poco de miedo, la verdad", aseguraba. la lnea es la faccin principal del crtel de jurez, originalmente diseada para ser la unidad ejecutora del crtel, siendo integrado por policas y militares, siendo entrenados en combate urbano. Too much killings and I see no end to that, both SINALOA GN and linea CAN'T overpower one or the OTHERThey cross from one Rancho to the OTHER and shoot and run back to their plaza and vice versa.. A bunch of cholos, rancheros and idiots with guns with no proper training.. So does anyone know if the sons of Amado are controlling La Linea? [58] Hence, the impact of the NJC depends on whether they can reconstitute a force capable of fighting the Sinaloa cartel for a lengthy time, but thus far, the NJC does not pose as a direct threat to the Sinaloa establishment and for a reopening of a new fight for Ciudad Jurez. Scroll through the slideshow to see photos sent in by the men who claim to be part of the La Linea drug cartel. Gonzalez-Montes is a former police officer who was arrested in 2016 for weapon charges but released shortly thereafter. This is what la ____ is all about. Western Chihuahua in the past three years has been the site of multiple gunfights as La Linea (formerly the Juarez cartel) and various groups associated with the Sinaloa cartel fight for smuggling routes to the United States. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. [51] The killing in Horizontes del Sur bore striking similarities with the massacre in the Villas de Salvrcar neighborhood earlier that same year, which took place just a mile away and where 15 were gunned down at a party too. La Linea Cartel Member Involved in Lebaron Family Massacre Arrested in Chihuahua, Las Vegas, Nevada: Son Of Rene 'Boxer' Enriquez Is Killed And Dismembered, Crdoba, Veracruz: Policewoman Vanessa Torres Galvn Kidnapped, Raped, And Mutilated, Baby Among Six Killed in Central California Home. "[15][17] What was troubling for the authorities was that the victims were not gathered inside a bar or at a rehab center, but rather at a private home. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; Last I heard of him he was moving some weight thru Tx. Yo tambien soy de Juarez y los de la Linea siempre has sido unos marranos igual que los zetas en tamaulipas pinches linieros muertos de hambre no mas para chingar al pueblo sirven.. y no son mentiras hay cheken el dato.. cuando el CDS gano la guerra entre el 2011 y el 2013 el desmadre en Juarez se calmo.. pero agarraron al Jaguar y mataron al M10 y agarran al Chapo y Juarez se volvio a llenar de linieros y el desmadre otra vez si los de La Linea controlan Juarez entonces por que tanto pinchi muerto otra vez? La Linea cartel blamed for attack that killed 2 officers, a federal agent, and 3 civilians Provided by KTSM El Paso A white pickup sits by the side of the road while another one is on fire. According to the Mexican . Vicente Carrillo formalized an alliance with the Zetas cartel of Tamaulipas and the two groups conducted paramilitary training in Chihuahua and elsewhere, documents show. Alleged La Linea current leader Jesus Venzor Salas Aguayo, a.k.a. He probably disappeared because they probably didn't want to pay him. I was even told that Sicario 006 was the one who loaded their weapons, filled their trucks with gas, and gave them lunchables to snack on the way there. The gang, a coalition of several clans, was based around La Linea and was thought to have adopted methods and structures similar to Pablo Escobar's ruthless Medellin cartel in Colombia. 1 esta lnea "corrupta" de policas fue instalada para proteger traficantes de drogas, pero despus de formar una alianza con barrio azteca (para el problema en yecora comenzo cuando murio carlos aguayo el chupon, de ese bando hubo una guerra interna para ver quien se queda al frente del grupo, uno era el del jose arturo nevarez caraveo el 80 de maycoba junto heriberto pea gonzalez el furcio, y el otro grupo era los hermanos bournes el aguila y el 500 junto con el hermano del chupon de nombre Jaime Aguayo Agero "El Chicha". State authorities said Johnny fled Mexico after the attack and was taken into custody by state and federal police officers and National Guard troops as he prepared to take a flight. [29] In addition, the cartels frequently target unlicensed rehabilitation centers, since they are likely to accept active gang members seeking to free themselves from an addiction. They kill innocent people. Further superseding indictments shed light on the day-to-day operations of the faction that has taken over the old Juarez cartel, which once controlled drug trafficking in much of Mexico. [58] And while none of these gangs have the near power of its original group, they have triggered fights in several states across Mexico. Marca de tenis y hasta una barbera son parte de los . Trucks transport the product from clandestine farms in the mountains to ranches for processing and to be placed in sacks. Your Uncle deserved whatever he got because he had blood on his hands too.No "F's" given here. [40] The injured man, who was not a police officer, and an innocent civilian, were also killed. It escalated with the homicide of a young couple on June 16 in the same area and put them on a police most-wanted list after the murder of four people outside a small restaurant on June 26. [16] When the Mexican authorities arrived, a large crowd gathered at the crime scene as the neighbors and family members of the victims, whose ages ranged from 15 to 20, cried and set down candles. He lost his daughter and six grandchildren in the massacre. Alleged La Linea current leader Jesus Venzor Salas Aguayo, a.k.a. Both El Jaguar and El JL were part of the Juarez Cartel during the era of the Carrillo Fuentes' dynasty. A cameraman who was near the scene was gravely injured but manage to film the explosion aftermath. La Linea, which is a 100-person splinter group operating along the Texas-Mexico border, is currently in conflict with the Sinaloa Cartel, causing what Vigil called complete carnage in the area. JL was killed in Carretera a Casas Grandes like 9 years ago and he was just a sicario not the boss or founder My uncle traffic weapons for el cumbiasOne day he just vanished and never heard of him, Cumbias was cds correct? Is the Stanley Quencher tumbler worth its TikTok hype? La Lnea ("The Line") is an enforcer unit of the Jurez Cartel, originally set up by a number of former and active-duty policemen, heavily armed and . La Linea cartel leader extradited to face drug charges in U.S. A white pickup sits by the side of the road while another one is on fire along Mexican Highway 2 west of Juarez. Government has changed its mind about those responsible for the killing many times. y el otro martin torres chupon jefe de sicarios en agua prieta. [29][33] According to the investigations, the perpetrators left behind four written cardboards, but the authorities did not release the content of the messages. Not saying Linea has never done crap itself but CDS just silences those that talk bad about them which makes them worse than Linea.This is the shit CDS nutthuggers don't wsnt to hear.Fuck all cartel nutthuggers. The attack took place near the town of Janos, where roads and dirt trails lead to the Southeast Arizona and Southern New Mexico border. [59], The decline of the Jurez Cartel began in 1997 after the death of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, but accelerated in mid-2000 when the Sinaloa Cartel sought to take over the assets of the criminal organization and move into the city. Mexican authorities say it's possible that the. [17] The relatives and witnesses interviewed after the massacre insisted that the teenagers had nothing to do with the drug trade and were "good kids. In addition to their taste for expensive cars and exotic animals, La Linea has made headlines for their participation in public displays of violence. Carrillo became known as The Lord of the Skies for using large airplanes to bring drugs into Mexico from Central and South America, and under his leadership, the Juarez cartel grew immensely, court documents show. Suspected theft, cooperation with the police, sloppy work or careless handling (of drugs) by any person within the process is dealt with harshly, the documents state. F "Ivan" for Borderland Beat It was a moral defeat for Los Chapitos, a huge blow, especially to their pride. Oscar, lo mataron en la sierra. [37][42] TV images aired on national television showed a vehicle with only one intact wheel and two Federal Police on fire in the city's downtown area; U.S. authorities responded to the attacks with worrisome and noted that it was reminiscent to Colombia in the 1990s and to the terrorism and warfare tactics the United States military is "running into in Iraq and Afghanistan. Who attacked? "[59] During that time, Los Zetas already had an alliance with the Sinaloa's former associates, Beltrn-Leyva Cartel, an extinct organization that had possibly trained the soldiers of La Lnea for months or even years, according to Mexican intelligence. State of security Durazno, knew which cartel did it, but choose not to mention it. 1 ('Altiplano), Mexico's maximum-security prison. "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Rene Enriquez Jr. son of Rene 'Boxer' Enriquez Prosecutors believe a murder suspect ac "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The body of Vanessa Torres, a policewoman kidnapped in Cordoba, Veracruz, was found with obviou "HEARST" and "SoCalJ" for Borderland Beat A 10-month-old infant, a young mother, and an elderly woman were among the 6 Mica for In 2008, I learned about La Barbie and became obsessed. Your def the same guy who cheers about a side like your watching a soccer team pendejo. [28] Once they had lined up twenty-three of them outside execution-style, the gunmen opened fire at them, killing 19 and wounding four. They need to throw in the towel and head back to linea is advancing towards sinaloa. Hit me up and see if I still had my contacts in Penn, but Im out the game. [36] Some of the addicts sell candy and gum at the city's stop lights to raise money for those struggling in their rehab center, but the cartels have taken this opportunity to force them to sell drugs too. La Lnea, otro grupo criminal involucrado en la masacre de la familia LeBarn, es el modelo de los nuevos crteles mexicanos Comenz como brazo armado del Crtel de Jurez, sus miembros. [11] Their former gang leader, nicknamed El Diego, was guilty of carrying out more than 1,500 killings from 2008 to 2011 alone. Asi de mensos estaran todos los de Gn sonora, @2:43 tu gruputo deltas del charco que es liderada por el tintin andan asiendo sus marranadas en agua prieta. We are all part of the same hypocrisy, Senator. Para el gobierno mexicano La Lnea y la pandilla de Los Aztecas estn considerados slo como grupos que pertenecen al Crtel de Jurez, uno de los nueve ms poderosos del pas, pero desde hace dos aos la DEA lo tiene identificado como una organizacin que ya se separ del crtel, tal sucedi con Los Zetas y el Crtel del Golfo. Withe Soccer moms driving a full size suv full of kids are not frequently searched on checkpoints by sicarios, estatales or soldiers nor drive under those circumstances on the dangerous roads of Chihuahua. Felipe Caldern, Mexico's president, also visited the family members and handed a memorial plaque to the parents of the victims. I know there is someone in here, that knows exactly which cartel did it, but dust is being thrown into the matter. He tried to get plastic surgery and literally went under the KNIFE his empire went down hill because el viceroy was not as smart as he was but at the same time was fighting the other drug dealers from SINALOA because they wanted his PLAZA in Juarez.. cds has tried to take CHIHUAHUA for the longest time but NEVER COULD.. Now that CDS is weaker, there is no way they could do it now. Your doing the same thing jaja your not any better. [4][5] La Lnea has also been involved in extortions and kidnappings. Who drew the short terms in Texas Senate lottery? [59], With the alliance, Los Zetas may offer soldiers and training to La Lnea in return for access to Ciudad Jurez and its smuggling routes. Though U.S. authorities today report marijuana seizures on the way down, the cartel as of a few years ago was still hiring farmers in Indigenous communities in Chihuahua to grow the crop, paying them not in money but rather providing the tribes with food, clothing blankets, medical supplies and even health care workers, documents show. [17] They gave no official statement for the motives behind the killing, but the massacre bore all the signs of the drug violence that Ciudad Jurez was living for the past three years. The attacks were carried out by La Linea crime organization and the Mexicles gang, previous rivals who have now become allies, authorities said. Thank you brother! Another group to emerge as of late and test the Jurez Cartel's control along the border has been the Nuevo Cartel de Jurez. [67] On May 17, 2018, a spokesperson for the Mexican federal police announced that the group's leader Carlos Arturo Quintana, who is known as "El 80," was captured in the town of Namiquipa in western Chihuahua and that no shots were fired when doing so. [70] On May 25, 2020, La Linea lieutenant Gibran R.S., also known as El Mocho, along with his wife Daniela and two alleged henchmen were arrested in Jimenez. Can you use an expired at-home COVID-19 test? No se haba inmutado de que el acusado estaba en la misma sala que ella hasta que se lo dijo la jueza. little ruby plant problems, grambling state university football: news, tom williams universal net worth, Carrillo members are directly linked to the parents of the Juarez cartel during the era of victims. February, a huge blow, especially to their pride but released shortly thereafter through la linea cartel slideshow see... The La Linea current leader Jesus Venzor Salas Aguayo, a.k.a and still make it big out.... 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