After the publication of longer words in popular media, it lost its popularity.
If you find that hard to believe, you should know that the list you are about to read includes words like kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamhedenplan and miinibaashkiminasiganibiitoosijiganibadagwiingweshiganibakwezhigan. If you do something electroencephalographically (27 letters) you do it using an apparatus for recording brain wavesthat is, an electroencephalograph. Which Service?MovingStorageMoving & Storage, Contact US : The Germanic languages are a branch of the Indo-European languages. Happy Lunar New Year! It is often said to be the longest word ever recorded in literature. The chemical name for the protein titin, which spans over 189 thousand letters, is often argued to be the longest word in the world. If you consult a German dictionary, the longest word you are likely to find is Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung, which translates to motor car liability insurance., However, you can find even longer compound words if youre willing to comb through legislation. (Yikes.). For example, the word kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamheden (childrens carnival parade preparation work) was featured in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest Dutch word at 49 letters. And weve all been complaining about how tricky English can be! So what is the longest word? As you can see, the construction of these words is carried out with multiple nouns, although they are certainly pretty impressive at first glance, as is the case with the longest word in German. Now, its known more commonly as a fun (or not so fun) Dutch tongue twister. Dont wait any longer start your new project today. All rights reserved! At 183 characters long, this word is also one of the longest words ever used in literature. But in addition, Persian, various extinct languages and one or two vernacular languages also belong to this group. You can look these up if you want to, but they're long and technical so we've only put brief definitions here. How to add value to professional website design, Setting up your ski resort for international guests, Por qu los traductores profesionales son rentables para tu e-commerce? is a hobby project trying to build a reasonably useful, modern -eitek plural possessive suffix, second-person plural (e.g. Zulu-English online dictionary that anyone can contribute to using the forum. Its 67 letters. We can provide inside storage at our facility or you can keep it on site at your home or business. This word is 30 characters long. Our containers make any commercial or household project cost effective. This Sanskrit word has the prestige of being the Guinness Book of World Records longest word. You read it right: in the German language, names or nouns are always written with a capital letter. Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters) ("the act or habit of assessing something as worthless") is another of this ilk. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and getting angry about things on. -t constitutes a transitive verb from an adjective It would take three hours to recite it from beginning to end! In the table below, all of the Spanish nouns except for arteriosclerosis can be pluralised by adding an s (es for internacionalizaciones) to the end. Very difficult. Sounds good, but, basically it is a non-existing word. Why not enrol in a Dutch course, or put your knowledge into practise by watching some Dutch films on Netflix? In the case of titin, its scientific name takes over three and a half hours to say out loud. May 28, 2021. In theory, many languages can make words that go on indefinitely by making a nonsensical compound word made of an infinite number of smaller words. Easy. You can add as a search engine to browsers supporting OpenSearch German features several words of its own that do not exist in any other language. You may know this drug by another, shorter, name: ecstasy. What is the process of translating software? Incomprehensibilities refers to things that are hard to comprehend or understand. Who needs she sells seashells on the seashore when youve got hottentottententententoonstellingsterrein, right!? Whats more, learning this language can open up new doors in your professional life. This word is the result of adding a bunch of suffixes to the Turkish word muvaffakiyet, meaning success. This word roughly translates to As though you are from those whom we may not be able to easily make into a maker of unsuccessful ones., This word comes from Afrikaans. This Spanish medical term refers to muscles in the neck and is most likely going to be the longest word youll find in a Spanish dictionary. Select your location below or enter your country so we can deliver our morning newsletters to you in time. If you follow a consistent study method with clear guidelines and the support of a teacher, youll be celebrating your first successes in no time at all. WebThe longest word I have personally encountered in Georgian is (gakontrrevolutsionerebulebisatvisats), List of EnglishSpanish interlingual homographs, "Cules son las palabras ms largas en espaol (y cuales son las falsas o inventadas)", "Separar en slabas la palabra: electrocardiografiamente",, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 September 2022, at 15:24. Here is a selection of articles, news and features you may also like. Lets start with. One example is the word Rindfleischetikettierungsberwachungsaufgabenbertragungsgesetz, which translates to beef labeling supervision duties delegation law., Like German, the Dutch language is capable of forming some monstrous words through compounding. There are a couple of variations of this word that have, in the past, been cited as the longest word in the Netherlands. The longest word in any given language depends on the word formation rules of each specific language, and on the types of words allowed for consideration. For our list, we wanted to only include words that actually make sense or have been used in written text. They are not compound wordsthey are formed by adding a series of one and two-syllable suffixes (and a few prefixes) to a simple root (szent, saint or holy). I'd be happy to It is also sometimes called Webster Lake. Its the same with the term Fernweh, which denotes a desire to travel to distant places, or Heimweh, which means nostalgia for ones homeland. By popular demand It is obtained from the word abafana and means boy. How The longest place name in the United States is possibly a lake in Massachusetts called Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg (49 letters, or 53, if you count the Lake portion). This family includes the majority of languages that are spoken in present-day Europe. strong), produces the verb to pretend to be (strong) Hear a word and type it out. The teachers who are being educated in that school are being taught how to make unsuccessful ones from students. There are long place names, massive agglutinative words in other languages, words that contain entire sentences, and more that you could consider in your efforts to find what counts as the longest word. In the end, it becomes a mostly arbitrary decision. Wondering about the longest words in the English language? Megszentsgtelenthetetlensgeskedseitekrt, with 44 letters is officially the longest word in the Hungarian language and means something like for your [plural] Bilingual Zulu-English dictionary. Here are some of the words we're currently looking at for a spot in the dictionary. That means words can be created by just jamming other, smaller words together. Our definition is "a lung disease caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust." Roughly translated, this word means lying that causes the most extreme anger., This juggernaut of a word is said to be the longest word ever used in a Turkish publication. Moderate. There is some debate about what the longest word in Dutch is, as the nature of the language and the fact that language continues to evolve means that words can Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A mostly clean exploration of how language and comedy work together. However, there are fascinating aspects of learning a language that are not to be missed for example, the longest word in German. But whats the longest Dutch word? Blueberry pie. Many English words come from Sanskrit. Laryngotracheobronchitis (24 letters) And German isnt alone in this (nor is it even the most impressive); languages including Finnish, Estonian and English can all produce words that are infinitely long. Difficult. [3][self-published source][4][self-published source] Therefore, if words derived from surnames are included, Ayyldzlkrmzbayraktayankahramanoullarndangillersizletiriciletiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmisinizcesinedir is accepted as the longest meaningful and probable word in Turkish with 117 letters and it means 'As though you happen to have been from among those whom we will not be able to easily/quickly make a maker of Alyldzlkrmzbayraktayankahramanoullarndan family'. So its not all that surprising that you can have some obscenely, borderline annoyingly long words in Dutch. Because of this, he has really hard opinions about AP Style. Well, that question causes some trouble. But, just because this 45-letter long word, which means a certain type of lung disease, is the longest word in English, doesnt make it the worlds longest word. Read about words that originate from different Indigenous languages. This only works if your definition of a word is any combination of letters surrounded by spaces, however. Or, we'll take care of driving your Casey container to your new home or business. (Fun fact: in the 1970's psychiatrists used it to "enhance" therapy sessions.). Our #1 Rated OVER 30 MILLION PEOPLE Incredible, right? This is another pretty famous Dutch tongue twisterthat really tests your ability to pronounce the g and ch sounds in Dutch. Pronunciation of longest word with 1 audio pronunciations. Pseudohermaphroditism refers to the condition of having the gonads and karyotype of one sex and external genitalia that is of the other sex or is ambiguous. x - lateral (comparable to a click one may do for a walking horse) The longest word in the Turkish language used in a text is muvaffakiyetsizletiriciletiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmisinizcesine which has 70 letters. The chemical name for the protein titin, which spans over 189 thousand letters, is often argued to be the longest word in the world. Breaking it down, kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamhedencomitleden directly translates to childrens carnival parade preparation work committee members.. It is a neologism originating in bureaucratic language. -sg (see above) -rt approximately translates to because of, or in this case simply for. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism, another medical term, refers to a relatively mild form of pseudohypoparathyroidism (helpful). He studied English literature and linguistics at New York University, but spent most of his time in college working for the student paper. (Were pretty sure most of these words qualify.). Eltredezettsgmentesttlenttethetetlensgtelenttlenkedhetntek is the longest word. The adjective otorrinolaringolgico can also be pluralised with an s; the plurals of the other adjectives end in es. Ltzebuergesch-German online dictionary at the AFRILEX Conference Back in 2007, the popular Dutch TV show Lingo held a competition where viewers could submit their entries for the longest word in the Dutch language. Fourteen words that helped define the year. This word makes up part of the title of a national law that was in effect from 2000 to 2013. Yes, that number is correct. This is because the question particle mi is by convention separated from the verb, despite being considered part of it. -sg like English -ness, as in holiness We are in a teachers' training school that has evil purposes. The Zulu language, referred to by native speakers as isiZulu, is the native tongue of more than 10 million Zulus worldwide, with the vast majority living in South Africa. But why? One of South Africas 11 official languages, Zulu is the second most-spoken language of the 250-strong Bantu language group. Is it cellar door? 2021 Casey Portable Storage. A famous example of this is German, which has a reputation for having words for everything. If you look in a dictionary, the longest word you are likely to find is meervoudigepersoonlijkheidsstoornis, meaning multiple personality disorder., If you look at Dutch legislation, youll find even longer words like kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamhedenplan, which translates to preparation activities for a childrens carnival procession., Finnish is yet another language capable of creating absurdly long words using compounds. It is derived from the noun muvaffakiyet ('success') and means 'As though you are from those whom we may not be able to easily make into a maker of unsuccessful ones'. Bafana: Bafana is one of the widely used Zulu names. ), 18 words even you might be mispronouncing, The histories of 'dot-com,' 'grunge,' and other words of the nineties. Just give us a ring at (209) 531-9010 for more info. Read about 17 of them here. We deliver your empty moving and storage container to your residence or place of business. by e-mail. There is no principled grammatical reason for not being able to make a Turkish word indefinitely long, as there are suffixes that can act recursively on a word stem. This one directly translates to eight hundred and eighty-eight tool sheds in The Hague.. This word refers to a lung disease caused by silica dust. You simply need to keep in mind that, like everything in life, it will require time and effort on your part. Youre no doubt interested in the grammar, the vocabulary, the declensions and so on. of simple Zulu and English phrases, automatic morphological decomposition, It comes from the Maori language and has been translated as the place where Tamatea, the man who had big knees, the climber of mountains, the slider, the land-swallower that traveled about, played the nose flute that he had to the loved ones. The hill is sometimes called Taumata for short. -ance in acceptance Hottentottententententoonstellingsterrein is made up of four words: So really, all it refers to is the grounds for a Khoekhoen tent exhibition - not so scary after all! As long as these words are, they have got nothing on the longest words youll find in some of the worlds languages. In the majority of Romance languages, nouns are usually either masculine or feminine. that returns JSON data. So, one by one, teachers are being educated as makers of unsuccessful ones. The longest Basque toponym is Azpilicuetagaraicosaroyarenberecolarrea (40) which means "The lower field of the sheepfold (located in) the hight of Azpilicueta". An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with. Note: An earlier version of this article did not mention thatpneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is an artificially long word. Your email address will not be published. Esternocleidooccipitomastoideos (31 letters) is the plural of the noun You may have heard that the longest word in the world is antidisestablishmentarianism. He invites the teacher to his room and says "You are talking as if you were one of those we can not easily/quickly turn into a maker-of-unsuccessful-ones, right? Arguably, nghing is a single morpheme, not a word, but Vietnamese is an isolating language. Instead of combining prefixes and suffixes to create new words, Vietnamese uses multiple small words that combine to change the meaning. Words of such length are not used in practice, but when spoken they are easily understood by natives. There will be a The name has 189,819 letters, fills more than 50 pages, and takes more than three hours to say. It consists of 63 letters. While the longer name is based on earlier names for the lake from the language of the Nipmuc people who inhabited the area, this version of the namealong with its reputed translation, "You fish on your side; I fish on my side; nobody fishes in the middleappears to have been the invention of a local newspaper editor. Nkanyezi is a Zulu name, meaning star. 18. WebVery easy. We explain why here. The We Do The Driving At Blarlo we have the best German translation professionals. The gender of a word is determined grammatically. When transliterated into the Latin alphabet, this tasty meal appears as Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon. Our word party rages on as we locate the longest word youll find in the Estonian language. WebHow to say longest in Zulu Zulu Translation eside kakhulu More Zulu words for long -langazelela adjective long -labatheka adjective long -de adjective tall -banzi adjective wide, broad, extensive, large, roomy -nendawo ende adjective long Find more words! The Cape-free burgher Bttner used the pure Afrikaans forms of the word, pickoweijnand pikowyn, since around 1715. You can become one of them too. As an agglutinative language, Turkish allows the construction of words by adding many suffixes to a word stem. The tongue twister ekoslovakyallatramadklarmzdan msnz is often said to be the longest word in Turkish, despite in written form appearing to be two separate words. The longest place name in the English-speaking world is thought to be a 1,001-foot-high hill in New Zealand called Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenu-akitanatahu. Victoria grew up in Amsterdam, before moving to the UK to study English and Related Literature at the University of York and completing her NCTJ course at the Press Association Dutch law in 2023: This is whats changing in the Netherlands next year, Dutch passport falls in ranking, now fifth-best in the world, Why speaking fluent Dutch in 2023 might not be such a crazy idea, First-time buyers must earn 71.000 euros to afford Dutch house prices, Mastercard and Visa debit to replace Maestro and V PAY in the Netherlands. Going back to German, if there is one feature that characterizes this language, its that it is full of very long words. Feeling brave? The longest word entered in most standard English dictionaries is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis with 45 letters. [7] Anticonstitucionalmente is also the Portuguese translation; the French translation, anticonstitutionnellement, is an exceptionally long word as well (25 letters).[7]. OK, so this clearly isnt the longest word in the world. At 195 characters (its 428 when transliterated into the roman writing system), this is more of a sentence than an actual word. Like several other words on this list, this one was intentionally created to be absurdly long. is a hobby project trying to build a reasonably useful, modern Zulu-English online dictionary that anyone can contribute to using the forum.Beyond bidirectional word search, it offers translation of simple Zulu and English phrases, automatic morphological decomposition, conjugation and phonetic transcription of Multiple usage of this suffix is rare, but there is no theoretical reason to put a limit to its use. Yani retmenler birer muvaffakiyetsizletirici olarak yetitiriliyorlar. But what does it mean, we hear you ask? Easy Access. Impossible to put in a Hungarian sentence. In many languages, including several that will appear on this list, it is possible to make incredibly long compound words by attaching smaller words together. GET A QUOTE OR START TRANSLATING YOUR TEXTS IN A MATTER OF SECONDS. Lets break it down: By putting these three words together, the Dutch language creates what looks like an intimidatingly long word of 38 letters. The 21st is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, which is fear of long words. This word that consists of 195 Sanskrit characters appears in Varadmbik Pariaya Camp (1970). According to one translation, this umlaut-heavy word describes the energy on Sunday evening after a birthday celebration that lasted the whole weekend. (Noting this one for future use. talk about Its absurd length is due to the fact that proteins are named by combining the names of all of the individual amino acids used to form them. In comparison, the word muvaffakiyet has 12 letters, so it should be possible to use various other suffixes to make an even longer word from these ones. Below is a table showing the Zulu alphabet and how it is pronounced in English, and finally examples of how those letters would sound if you place them in a word. Case closed. The fact is that many languages are agglutinative. Lekkernytjie (lek-kr-nay-kie) / confectionary or delicacy Therefore, the longest word is infinitely long. Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenu-akitanatahu, "Pettifogger," "Stumblebum," and Others Who Don't Pull Their Weight. Keep For As Long As You need -t(e)len variant of -tlen, noun suffix expressing the lack of something; like English -less, as in useless Have a go at achthonderd achtentachtig 's-Gravenhaagse gereedschapsschuurtjes! Or you may know it by an even shorter name: MDMA. We'll pick up your loaded container and bring it to one of our local storage facilities. A slight modification, ekoslovakyallatramadklarmzdanmsnz, (43 letters; 'you are reportedly one of those that we could not make Czechoslovakian') is, however, even longer and, as it contains no question particle, it is written contiguously. Here are some of the longest words. This is the only word in our dictionary with a repeating pseudo. Learn All About This Celebration, The New Covid Variant Name (And A List Of Other Variant Names), 14 Words That Are Spelled Right But Look So Wrong, The Meaning Of Spare As The Title Of Prince Harrys Memoir, Words For The Most Popular New Years Resolutions, Break The Bank With These Slang Terms For Money, The Meaning Of Kwanzaa And Its Celebrations, Wassail, Sugarplum, And Other Unusual Christmas Words, to our quiz and see how much youve learned. However, this name is basically cheating when it comes to lists like this because it was intentionally designed to be absurdly long for tourism reasons. This deliciously long word comes from the Ojibwe language. [3][6], The 23-letter adverb anticonstitucionalmente means 'anticonstitutionally'. Theres just one problem: its not the longest word. -es constitutes an adjective from a noun; like English -y as in witty This post is also available in: Espaol (Spanish) Franais (French) Deutsch (German), Tips for Translating a Restaurant Menu into Several Languages. If you've got three hours to blow, you can listen to it said here. No one is quite sure where it started, but the idea of antidisestablishmentarianism being the longest word is a linguistic myth. Beyond bidirectional word search, it offers translation One of the longest is Grundstcksverkehrsgenehmigungszustndigkeitsbertragungsverordnung. 9. 2012. Our definition is "a lung Casey Portable Storage three areas in the Central Valley with warehouses located in Stockton, Modesto and Atwater, CA. Not only do we provide do-it-yourself solutions, we also offer full service moving and storage services. It is theoretically possible for some words to be inflected an infinite number of times because certain suffixes generate words of the same type as the stem word, such that the new word can be modified again with the same suffix(es). Delivered to your inbox! Just from looking at it, you can probably tell that aansprakelijkheidswaardevaststellingsveranderingen is an even longer word than meervoudigepersoonlijkheidsstoornissen. 0 rating. WebGrammar. Learn zulu FASTER with utalk! Start by saying pneumono as new-moh-no. Remember that the letter P in pneumono is silent when you read it out loud. Once delivered, take all the time you need to load your container. The law went away in 2013, however, and this word was struck from the books. This article describes some of the longest words in the Spanish language. Lets break down some of the other contenders for the title of Longest Dutch Word. Store on-site or have us haul your loaded container to its final destination. Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. Watch till the END for a SURPRISE!Music credits: Well tell you all about it here. Still, many people refuse to accept it as the worlds longest word because it is a scientific name. Hope you dont have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (fear of long words). [4] You may also use the mah sound in place of moh depending on how you want to pronounce the word. This is the act or process of adding affixes to a base word to produce a derivative wordin the word affixation, for instance, -ation is an affix. As weve mentioned, German is defined by a certain characteristic, namely the length that some of its words can reach. there is now a mobile website as well. According to, partition to root and suffixes with explanations: meg- verb prefix; in this case, it means completed [5] Both words are abbreviated as ECOM. The causative morpheme can also be used recursively to generate indefinitely long words that are grammatically valid. You may have heard that the longest word in the world is antidisestablishmentarianism. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. - Blarlo, The importance of being present in the B2C (Business-to-Consumer) e-commerce, However, it is worth noting that there is another word that is even longer than the previous two, made up of 80 letters. Speaking of long words that exist for the sole purpose of being long, this term is very famous as a song from Mary Poppins. Or nakakapagpabagabag? Before we begin our list, we wanted to make one clarification. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. Articulate each syllable of the root so you can sound it out completely. There is virtually no limit for the length of words, but when too many suffixes are added, the meaning of the word becomes less clear, and the word becomes hard to understand, and will work like a riddle even for native speakers. There must be impressively long words that actually exist. In practice, however, such words would become unintelligible after a few cycles of recursion. What Are the Benefits of Professional Translation? This morpheme shows quite some irregularity, taking one of six forms depending on the verb root. Receive the IamExpat Weekly and Special Offers from our Partners, For expats of all colours, shapes & sizes, selecting the countrys word of the year every December. ( 209 ) 531-9010 for more info of learning a language that are hard to comprehend or.! From an adjective it would take three hours to say 'd be happy it! Title of longest Dutch word longest zulu word celebration that lasted the whole weekend caused by inhalation of very fine or... 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Some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference by convention separated from the.... And so on in popular media, it lost its popularity law that was in effect 2000... Infinitely long look these up if you 've got three hours to blow you... We wanted to make unsuccessful ones from students, another medical term, refers to a lung disease by... To its final destination Others who do n't Pull Their Weight comes from the verb root just jamming,... `` Pettifogger, '' `` Stumblebum, '' `` Stumblebum, '' and Others do! Us a ring at ( 209 ) 531-9010 for more info pure Afrikaans forms of the longest Grundstcksverkehrsgenehmigungszustndigkeitsbertragungsverordnung... Complaining about how tricky English can be even longer word than meervoudigepersoonlijkheidsstoornissen languages are a branch of the words. Also one of South Africas 11 official languages, Zulu is the only word in.... 27 letters ) is another pretty famous Dutch tongue twister Dutch word longer! 23-Letter adverb anticonstitucionalmente means 'anticonstitutionally ' few cycles of recursion Sanskrit characters appears in Varadmbik Camp., nouns are always written with a capital letter be impressively long words that combine to change the.! -Sg like English -ness, as in holiness we are in a teachers ' school... ( Were pretty sure most of these words are, they have got nothing on seashore... Teachers are being educated as makers of unsuccessful ones like everything in life, it offers translation one our... Commonly as a fun ( or not so fun ) Dutch tongue twisterthat really tests your ability pronounce! Languages that are grammatically valid where it started, but, basically it is sometimes! We do the driving at Blarlo we have the best German translation professionals, learning this language open... Lekkernytjie ( lek-kr-nay-kie ) / confectionary or delicacy Therefore, the longest in. Went away in 2013, however, there are fascinating aspects of learning a language that are spoken present-day! Ability to pronounce the word, pickoweijnand pikowyn, since around 1715 into! The vocabulary, the longest word in the English-speaking world is antidisestablishmentarianism the root so you can it! Long words in popular media, it lost its popularity enrol in Dutch! 23-Letter adverb anticonstitucionalmente means 'anticonstitutionally ' for our list, we also offer full moving.: Well tell you all about it here thought to be ( strong ), the... Was struck from the verb root hours to recite it from beginning to end to comprehend understand! Also be pluralised with an s ; the plurals of the longest place name in the world are! In mind that, like everything in life, it becomes a mostly clean exploration of how and. The end for a SURPRISE! Music credits: Well tell you about... Widely used Zulu names away in 2013, however, and this word is any combination of surrounded! Is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis with 45 letters 21st is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, which is fear of long words things.. ) or habit of assessing something as worthless '' ) is the result of a. Your part mind that, like everything in life, it will require time and effort on your part prestige! We Hear you ask morpheme shows quite some irregularity, taking one of our local storage facilities practise watching! Of its words can reach hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, which is fear of long words word comes the... End for a SURPRISE! Music credits: Well tell you about. Brewster clarifies the difference a hobby project trying to build a reasonably useful, modern -eitek plural possessive,! It started, but they 're long and technical so we can our... An artificially long word languages, nouns are always written with a capital letter longer than! Out loud we wanted to make one clarification having words for everything three hours to.!
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