LENI: And where's Lincoln? LENI: OMG! What do you get when you take a normal human boy and And their only hope is for a ditzy, well meaning blonde and her little brother to fight fire with fire. Chapter 10. - Leni angrily blames - All because Lynn won't admit she's reckless! Lincoln: In the pantry next to the graham [Lincoln walks back into the kitchen, grabs some chocolate syrup from the pantry and hands it to Lana.]. said Luan frantically, Yeah and Sam won't talk to me again either. - Leni said, (Lori, Lynn, and Luan all fight; Unbeknownst to them, Leni grabs Lincoln and they escape to the living room, Leni pulls up her scrapbook). (She angrily slammed her fist on her desk, making Lincoln stumble backwards and fall through Lori and Leni's closet, a coat rack hits Lincoln on his head, knocking him out; In the living room, Lincoln is on the couch, he regain consciousness, as the others look on worried). LINCOLN: Sure. Instead, he touches it, he shrieks, Luan opens the door, grab Lincoln's hand, and leads him inside, the others follow inside, they closes the door), LINCOLN: (looking around) What is this place? LENI: Sorry, sis! "Who's gonna play Princess Makeover with me?" Lincoln asks despairingly. LORI: No, we're taking him to a hospital. - Lincoln ask, (Lincoln pressed a button, folding the bed and him in it), LENI: Oh, what would happened if he doesn't get his memories back? - Lori says - We shouldn't have tried to changed you into something different. Even though they were all greatly suffering from what was to come, they were determined to keep strong until the end. He hasn't lost anybody's trust, but someone has lost his and they did it in one of the worst ways possible and worst of all, he blames himself for it. His greatest fear of having his youngest sister forget him had been dealt with, so he could finally be at ease. "Lincoln, thank you for being willing to listen to my poetry as well as for keeping our little secret," she says in her monotonous tone. Where's the milk? Originally, not all of the Loud family would actually be gathered to say their final goodbyes. This is a problem? No Such Luck | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom 3,470 Explore Episodes More Community in: Citation needed, Season 2 (The Loud House) episodes English No Such Luck View source Episode Information Gallery Script Categories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. LUNA: No, he's gonna be my roadie! Tears slowly rolled down Lynn's face. - Lori disagreed, (At a hospital, it shows a hospital room where Lincoln, in a hospital bed, with bandages on his head, while the others are standing nearby, Dr. Marshall comes in). I know that you never cared about modeling that much, but I felt that it was the only way that I could spend time with you." - Leni said - I wanted to make you feel better. Lemons included! - Dr, Marshall said - After he was given these blows to his head, his memories have been erased. Leni blows her nose into a tissue. They sat down on some benchs at the park while Carol got ready to dye their hair back to black. - Lola apologizes - Can you forgive me? With the dragon defeated, he and the princess flew back to Valhalla, where they could enjoy all the graham crackers and whole milk they wanted. LENI: Cookies are done! Lincoln: Phew! - Leni said, LANA: A shelf fell on your head. - Leni says worried, LORI AND LENI: What, are you kidding me?! said Haiku. LENI: We were swimming, Linky. There isn't anything more that a boy could ask for. -A collaboration with UnderratedHero. After heading upstairs, he runs into Lynn, who informs him that her softball game is coming up, and she needs the whole family to support her. Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. inquires Rita. "You weren't so bad either. Weakened by the heart attack, he slowly expressed his final wishes to his family. - Lucy finished, LUCY: C'mon, let us restore our brother's memories. (Lincoln gets out of bed, then gets his clothes on. [Lincoln starts to walk out of the kitchen.]. - Leni said worried, (At home, the siblings guide Lincoln to the door, he tries using the knob. Lana: I need something to wash it down with. - Lola ask, (She pour some into Lincoln's cup and he drinks it, Leni walk in, while holding Lily). - the nicer sisters in agreement. Somehow, the door closes after he falls in with his hands full. Fearing for the worst, Lincoln's remaining sisters raced to his bedside. He was alone, not in the sense of family or friends but in the matters of just having that special someone by his side. 14 years later, Lynn Sr. dies shortly after an accident, Rita tells the siblings th Lincoln a 12-year-old boy who was not really good at love and he puts it aside to continue with his activities, what he did not know is that there were some girls who we During the events of NSL, Lincoln gets tired of being bad luck, and his anger to his family rises as he runs away to find a lovable family that would not treat him like Lincoln couldn't take living his family shadow so he ran away from home 3 years later he returns with a few surprises. - Lana said - I want Lincoln to play with me in the mud. - Lincoln said, (A soccer ball was bouncing around the house, it hits Lincoln in the head, making him fall), LENI: Linky, are you alright? Anyway today the Louds will be angry with Lincoln and start planning on how to get back at him. I love you all.". I wish there was a story where Lincoln is the biggest baldest son of the bitch there was!"? "GO AWAY!" Luna: You were the last one to use it before we left! - Lincoln said - All Lola does is being selfish to me and always fighting with you. LANA: (off-screen and furious) Stop calling my brother a slob! Lincoln gives her a peck on the forehead and walks out of the twins' room.]. "Lola, promise me that you'll win all of the pageants," demands Lincoln. Lynn was angrily trying to suppress her tears when she was caught off guard by Lori. He thought he was the luckiest guy in the world because they liked him for who he was. Also, in the aforementioned episode, Lincoln experienced what he was afraid of. Lincoln looks at him in curiosity. The doctor began to administer medicine to Lincoln to ease his heart, all while his sisters watched in abject horror. They were named after the minister Sylvester Graham, who invented the recipe in 1829. Lucy's eyes a lush, golden brown were surprisingly filled with emotion. Shipping is all fun and games until it involves your fictional alter ego. She bends down to give her brother a light peck on the forehead. Will they succeed? LINCOLN: Thanks, who ever you are. LINCOLN: Thanks. Just as he puts his hand on the doorknob, he hears a voice call out to him from the kitchen.]. He becomes Linka Loud in order to save the world. (Lincoln got up with his crutch and he thinks for a moment), (Lincoln and Lola hug, Lana and Leni was touched by this, Lola run upstairs to her room and grab a pink marker, she walk downstairs and signed Lincoln cast), (On his arm cast it says "I love you" and on his leg cast it says "I'm sorry"). Because of this, Lynn declares Lincoln as "bad luck", and bans him from coming to her activities. After the discovery of her beloved grandson in the backyard, Celesta decides to call the police and instantly takes custody of Lincoln and Lily. Lisa removes her glasses momentarily to wipe away at the tears. Crackers are salty! Which Loud house character would be your best friend? Which Loud house character envies you? Then, he pulls out a bag, and puts most of his things inside, including Bun-Bun, his clothes, and his bed gear. (Lincoln prepare to eat it, Leni see's this and slap the mud from his hands), LANA: (enraged) What are you doing, Leni?! Suddenly, he heard sirens coming from close by. It was Ronnie Anne Santiago, Lincoln's girlfriend - Lori said - I can literally turn him into a dating pro. My thirteenth fanfic. LYNN: Ah, cool! - Lincoln ask. This is another NSL fanfic that shows a different take from the first NSL fanfic that I've made which is still ongoing. After 6 years, they finally get to see Lincoln again and they're amazed by the success that he's found. - Leni ask worried. Realizing who the figure was before him, Lincoln musters up one word before he went to sleep. Even though she knew that she could possibly get hurt, Lori swallows her pride, and opens the van door and sits beside Lynn. They dip their cookies in their milk and start eating). Until next time. - Lincoln scolded - Changing me into something else means you don't love me for who I am whatsoever. - Lincoln ask bitterly - Get out of here. The floodgates to Lisa's sadness opened widely in response to Lincoln's words of comfort. LYNN: (infuriated) I'M NOT RECKLESS! "No Such Luck" is the fourteenth episode of the second season and the sixty-sixth episode of The Loud House. Don't see this as a mistake, see this as an opportunity." LANA: Simple, take some dry mud, use some soft mud, and mix them together. - Lynn tells Leni, (Both of them run inside and Lincoln then wakes up, while Lynn and Leni are standing nearby). LANA: Yes you did! "Ok, don't move. ), (Lori was texting Bobby when she heard crying, she went to where the crying was coming from, it was Leni), Lori: (gets shocked) Whhhh (voice breaks) hahahhy??? Sequel to Ace Cream. Years have passed since the explosion and the wo Luan Loud is the comedian in the Loud House. We then cut to a few minutes later, when Lana is tucked into her bed and Lincoln is at her bedside.]. Loud Lost Memory | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom in: Episodes, Fanfiction, Episodes focusing on Lincoln Loud, and 4 more Loud Lost Memory View source My twenty-first fanfic. - Lori said sadly, LINCOLN: (confused) Thanks, but who are all you guys, and who is Lincoln? LINCOLN: Mmm! Seizing control, Chapter 11. When Lincoln is taken in by her, she swears to punish the Louds for what theyve done. (It reveals it's Luna, who's holding a glass of water). "Don't worry son. Greatest death toll occurred in this episode After the third blow, Lincoln loses his entire memory 2 Appearance 4 Luan Loud 4 b Rider 1321, January 8, 2015 (UTC)) By Jimmy b Dabi is a stoic, aloof, confident, and focused individual who rarely shows emotion Dabi is a stoic, aloof . (Lincoln was so touched by Leni's touching remark, that he tightly hugs her, while he's in tears), LENI: (teary-eyed) I love you so much, Lincoln! LORI: We love you for just the way you are. "No, no. "No, no, don't beat yourself up, sis." "Unbelievable," growls Lori "Our brother doesn't have too much time left, and you don't bother to bury the hatchet with him?" Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. Loud. Infiltration and rescue. - Lori ask, LUNA: (pulls out a purple marker) Can I sign your leg cast, bro? - Leni stopped - What did you just say? Lincoln Loud, A boy who is mistreated by his family and friends because his 'BAD LUCK' thanks to his sister Lynn jr who blamed him for loosing a baseball game (stupid ri Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. Will these upcoming events What if Lincoln was a worldwalker? As of that episode, Lincoln attends school with his older sister Lynn. (Leni notices Lincoln is missing again; In Lynn and Lucy's room, she and Lincoln are writing poems), LINCOLN: Writing poems is fun. It is not known what event Luna had that Lincoln rejected, however she is known to have one since her face was shown on Lincoln's calendar. "Truth is, despite everything, I actually liked you, twerp." Afterwards, Alastor takes Lincoln, Rita, Leni, Luan and Luna away while leaving Lori and Lynn to plot revenge. The family think Lincoln is bad luck so they ban him from attending their activities. Lori screams in agony before clawing Lynn's face with her fingernails. When Lily says Lincoln's name, there are many notes on the fridge, but when Lincoln sends Lily on the skateboard, there are fewer notes. LANA: It's true. - Lincoln questions himself - Sure, I love cookies. Lincoln: Lana, I [Sighs] I really don't know what to tell you. LANA: Luan, he's our only brother, we have to do the right thing! Will these upcoming events after his family threw him out, Lincoln ran from home and was never heard from again. - Lori said. His hair was now gray and he was asleep. - Lori said. "Lynn, please Lincoln needs this as much as we do," begs Luna. But when they arrivedThe four siblings learned that they all had magic. "But if I didn't hit Lincoln with that damn ball" Lori embraces her younger sister. "Lynn, I'm sorry that I attacked you." "Dad, I'm sorry that this had to happen." As Lucy backed away from the bed, Lincoln felt a tug on his bed sheets, and he looked down to see the teary-eyed twins. LANA: (notices Lincoln) Hey, Lincoln. In keeping with the comic theme of the show, there's a "THWACK" onomatopoeia, when the batter during the first game hits the ball. A little crappy in my opinion this defiantly could have been done better, but I'm running low on energy after updating two other fanfics. - Lincoln said, LANA: It does bro, it does. Lincoln: And then Sylvester Graham used the Kikoho technique to push the dragon off the cliff and into the ocean. Giant monstrosities wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting, and unprepared populace. A bet between friends where their pride is on the line and neither wants to admit defeat to the other. Each of the siblings nodded and despite there being multiple rooms they each chose to bunk with one of their other siblings afraid that if they wewre out of their sight they might lose each other again. Lana: Ohhh. LORI: Duh. - Leni stated - You got injured too! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln: Dad! Note: I own nothing and After an accidental injury at the cinema, Lincoln has one week left to live which has made her sisters scarred and terrified from her brother. LENI, LANA, LUCY, AND LILY: Yeah! - Leni said happily, LUNA: Your memories has returned! - Lincoln said, embarrassed. Amidst their fighting, Lynn bit down onto Lori's arm, drawing blood. - Lincoln said. His sisters burst into tears when the final verdict was delivered. After a while, Lincoln gets back up from his bed). Lynn's team, the Squirrels, is leading 30, unfortunately, the next four pitches causes the rival team to score four runs, causing the Squirrels to lose 34. LANA: (livid) What did you do?! "If anything, you should hate me for not realizing the symptoms when they were there." LYNN: You're welcome, little bro. I know there are quite a few Pokemon x Loud House stories, but this one is a little different. "I believe that it's best for you all to start saying your goodbyes." Happy? Some Dark Themes included. Hank and Hawk watch in awe as Lincoln services QT, Carlotta and Rita. The "FIVE MINUTES LATER" time card is similar to the one from ". said Carol as they all then left. "Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln extends his hand out. LENI: You're in the living room, Lincoln. Follow Lincoln as he unleashes the Log on virtually every girl. But now because of who he is, Lincoln might be getting more girls that he ever thought possible. - Lana stated - Can I bunk with you, please? They sat down on some benchs at the park while Carol got ready to dye their hair back to black. screams his sisters as the doctor was alerted to the dilemma. You're grounded young man! LENI: Which you kicked and made it hit Lincoln in the head! Request from Evancorp123456. - Lori yells - Let's wake him up! When Lincoln doesn't seem to notice any of the Loud sisters' advances, they come up with a plan to get him to notice them through more subtle means. The end tries using the knob his clothes on attack, he a. 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